Sunday, May 25, 2008

Seize the Day - Avenged Sevenfold

Seize the Day. Dead Poet's Society.
Seize the Day. Avenged Sevenfold.

Empty - The Click FIve

I'm not a follower of The Click Five's music, but this song seemed worth the extra listen I don't normally give some of the newer pop punk bands.

Good song this.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Bittersweet Symphony

Any song that survives torrentiality in the music world and have the masses claim it to be an infinite classic deserves a place in the history of music-making to be what it should rightfully be - an infinite classic. The Verve got this song out quite a number of years ago. Not exactly Sinatra, Beatles or Morrison material, but it cuts a deep chasm of cult followers that has managed to place this song to be a true modern Brit-pop classic. Possibly the best ever. Way better than what Oasis, Suede, Blur or the likes could have ever offered during that era, for any of their songs. At least that's what I think anyway.

Bittersweet Symphony.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Upcoming Acoustic Jam Event organised by SKYE in JUNE 2008

Fellow musicians and artists, SKYE is organising an acoustic jam session at Ruai Kitai, Rock Road, on a tentative date of 15 June 2008. So far we've got some bands already confirming their participation, one of them being Akur (see photo).

Ruai Kitai is located on the same side as CIMB Bank at Rock Road, just across the street from Twin Towers building, where Westmoore House is. A rather easy venue to locate, plus it's got ample parking space.

More updates to come.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Crossroads - Clapton and Mayer

When I first saw this I nearly fell of my seat and rolled over to faint in perfection. Fuck me left right and center, this is a legend and a legend-to-be together on-stage playing a legendary rock and roll song.

Enjoy this. Fuck.

Crossroads. Originally performed by Cream.